Demonstration Software for Conductortm
Conductor is demonstrated using a live version of the software, accessed using
Symantec's pcAnywhere either across the Internet or via a dial-up telephone
connection. Arrangements must be made in advance to have a sales technician
guide you through the software.
If you desire to have a guided tour of the software, please schedule a time
with our sales department at 865-925-8096, extension 2. If multiple people will be present for the
demonstration, a two-way speaker phone is required.
If you are unfamiliar with using pcAnywhere across the internet, or use AOL
for internet access, please read the
How-To article for information on system requirements and procedures on
making the connection and how to configure your company's firewall if you are on
a full-time connection.
Hope you enjoy the demo, and thank you for trying Conductortm.