[ Employee/Applicants | Customers | Job Orders ]
[ Payroll | Invoicing
/ Accounts Receivable ]
[ Contact Management | Worker's
Compensation | Electronic Mail ]
[ Interfaces | Ease of
Use | Power | Flexibility | Speed | Security ]
Conductor(tm) is the premier front and back office
solution for the staffing industry. In addition to standard employee, customer
and order tracking, Conductor(tm) provides full contact
management, employee training and workers' compensation, and integrated electronic mail.
Conductor(tm) is a second-generation, fully integrated
front and back office solution that is fully scalable from a single PC to the multiple
location office and uses the power of distributed processing to maintain performance as
the number of users increases. With Conductor(tm), every
user has the full benefit of all the features and modules, whether a single user
installation or multiple users in multiple locations. Even electronic mail works (leave
messages for a co-worker that logs in at a different time). No add-on modules or
interfaces to buy in order to tie into the outside world.
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Employees / Applicants
- Display all assignments, active and closed, with the Start Date, End Date, Bill and Pay
Rates and Evaluation of ended assignments.
- The Employee's Status (Available, Working, etc.) is automatically updated.
- The Training module tracks in-house training and alerts when re-certifications are
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- On screen billing summary for different periods.
- Define departments/division for billing purposes.
- Relate customers in different Companies for consolidated reporting.
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Job Orders
- On screen display of the number of employees matched to requirements, the number of
assignments made, and the number of temps needed.
- Track the number of assignments unfilled and the reasons why.
- The Order's Status (Open, Filled, Overfilled, etc.) is automatically updated.
- Assign pay and bill differentials for shift worked.
- Automatic calculation of the Order's Markup and Gross Margin %; (Based on the hourly
billing and payroll rates, the burden factor for payroll contributions such as FICA,
unemployment insurance, worker's compensation and user-defined burdens).
- Updates Employee and Customer records based on the entry in the Assignment Status field.
- Updates the master accounting file on the first use of an Employee or Customer.
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Contact Management
- Enter all contacts with customers, employees and/or job orders only once.
- Schedule reminders and ticklers in To-Do file.
- Integrated calendar gives monthly view.
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- Assignments feed directly into payroll, eliminating pay/bill entry errors.
- Allows weekly, biweekly, bimonthly and monthly payrolls in the same company.
- Single timecard per employee reduces errors on deductions.
- Multiple assignments tracked to state worked for worker's compensation and unemployment.
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Invoicing / Accounts Receivable
- Multiple invoicing formats available with automatic pricing discounts.
- Invoicing analysis reports compare payroll, burden and invoicing to show true margins.
- Credit memos handle overpayments and customer deposits.
- Apply payments to multiple invoices.
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Worker's Compensation
- Payroll hours and dollars tracked for each code and state.
- Record all incidents and medical history.
- Report on open incidents or history for medical providers as well as OSHA 200 Log.
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Electronic Mail
- Interfaces with Contact Management to reduce retyping information.
- Send messages to groups or individuals.
- Archive mail to keep important information on file.
- Corporate wide instantaneous communications for on-line users.
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- Export general ledger transactions to AccPac Plus.
- Any data may be exported to dBASE, Lotus, WordPerfect or a generic ASCII format for use
with other word processors.
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Ease of Use
- Menu and Mouse-driven.
- No codes to remember.
- Ensures accurate date with controlled entry tables (Pop-Up windows displaying a list of
user-defined, allowed information).
- Color coded fields prompt for required information.
- Shortcut keys provide consistent interface to related windows.
- On-line Help is field specific and available throughout the program.
- User's Guide provides complete explanations of all functions.
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- Instantaneous recall of Employee, Job Order and Customer records by alphabetic or
phonetic match.
- Minimize keystrokes with user-specific macros.
- Default Data speeds entry of new records.
- Look-Up attributes allow data to be exchanged between Employee, Job Order, and/or
Customer records without re-keying.
- Multiple Clipboard enables information to be cut, copied and pasted.
- Temporarily exit to DOS with one keystroke.
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- Customize screens, menus, system messages, and valid entry tables to reflect the
specifics of your operation.
- Accommodate a variety of data:
- Verbatim: Fill-in-the-blanks.
- Validated: Multiple-choice, user-defined.
- Memo: Free-form note.
- Resumes: Typed and/or OCR scanner input.
- Maintain an unlimited number of distinct databases, with multiple Companies and/or
branch locations.
- Multiple report generator enables users to create new or modify existing reports to meet
changing needs.
- Label generator creates individual or sheets of mailing labels.
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- Searches can be performed for any information entered.
- Search on an unlimited number of parameters simultaneously.
- Recall Query progressive refinement of results.
- Information entered once on a Job Order record is automatically attached to related
Employee and Customer records.
- Employees, Job Orders and Customers are assigned numbers that can be used for retrieval.
- To-Do List reminds each user of important appointments and deadlines.
- Automatic Dialing (via modem) is executed with one keystroke.
- Local and spooled printers are supported.
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- Multi-level security matrix determines each user's rights.
- Database login is password protected
- File structure ensures data integrity
- Only Supervisors have access to record deletion functions
- Supervisory functions do not appear on users' menus
- Uses separate directories for program and data files for added security
- Includes utilities to re-index data and correct most errors caused by network and power
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